Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Cyrano de Bergérac - Thêatre

CYRANO DE BERGERAC, le nouveau spectacle de la Caompagnie de L'Ourson Blanc, du 1 au 16 Juillet: 11 représentations pendant le mois de juillet, sur la place de l'église de Montreuil sur Maine à 3 klm au nord du Lion d'Angers. Début des représentations à 21h30. La jauge étant limitée à 150 places, mieux vaut réserver.

Tél : (Janine Servan, responsable de la billeterie).

Monday, June 20, 2011

Concert - Mark-oh! and Friends - Folk Rock Night

Ce samedi 25 juillet Michelle et moi-même participons à un concert Folk/Rock au Brasserie du Vieux Pont, Château-Gontier. Nous ouvrons la soirée vers 21h, avec des reprises et quelques compositions, avant de passer le micro à Funky Raccoons, et ensuite Mark-oh! Plus tard dans la soirée on reviendra sur scène pour faire d'autres morceaux.

Venez nombreux pour une soirée sympa !

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Free music - Exode

Exode "Au commencement" was the second album for a French Christian group based in Marseille. They released a previous album which I believe was recorded live. This second album features some great songs, all in French obviously, and the group included a couple of guys who are friends of mine. I don't know exactly when the album was recorded, probably in the late 80s/early 90s, but the mp3s in this download were converted from the cassette using Audacity; they're about as clean as I know how to get them, but there might be the occasional tape wobble.

Here's the download link:

Free music - No Big Deal

No Big Deal were a Christian rock group doing the rounds in the early '90s. I came across them when they performed at a school during the Metal Meltdown festival. They did an excellent set, rock tinged with a funky edge on some of the songs, which at the time reminded me a little of Extreme.

They released at least one EP called "You've Been Robbed" which I have on cassette, and as I've recently converted it to mp3s (using my trusty Audacity), I thought I'd post it up here for downloading. . . music this decent just deserves to be heard.

As with Phenomena EPs, these songs are not mine, and hopefully members of No Big Deal won't mind me posting these songs. I've tried to find out what happened to them after the festival but I've not been able to find any info about them on the internet. The only thing I've come across is this review from Cross Rhythms magazine :
If you'd been bold enough to step into the rock 'n' roll pubs of Southampton and Portsmouth over the last six months you'll have caught this tough, gritty foursome who play decidedly heavy rock managing to avoid both the predictability of some metal and the tired old blues ruffs of some heavy rock. In fact, this tape exudes a gutsy vitality I found completely invigorating while the lyrics speak the gospel truth with unembarrassed directness. Suffice it to say I liked 'You've Been Robbed1 and once they get a producer and a budget they'll surely be on to bigger things. In the meantime, get along to one of their gigs all you Hampshire rockers. - Tony Cummings

So I guess this post is a little hommage to an excellent Christian 90s rock band.

Here's the link to download the EP:'

Monday, June 13, 2011

Free music - via Leafmouth

Thanks to the wonderful people at Beehave webzine I've just discovered a bunch of rock/punk/metal/hardcore albums being made freely available featuring Jeff Jacquay via his official website Excellent stuff!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Crize2foi en concert - 10 juin 2011

Voici deux chansons que j'avais fait au dernier Caf'conc de Challenge & Musik, le vendredi 10 juin 2011.

Le premier est le permier morceau que j'ai composé pour la guitare. J'espèrais trouver des paroles et une mélodie pour qu'il devient un chant, mais finalmenet c'est resté depuis très longtemps un instrumentale. Alors, finalement j'ai décidé de le joindre à quelques paroles légèrement modifées de la chanson "Lving On The Edge" de Aerosmith, une chanson qui fait partie des mes préférées.

Le deuxième morceau est un composition que je travaille depuis à peu près deux ans. Je voulais trouver des paroles, mais finalement comme celui d'avant, rien n'est venu pour l'instant, alors j'ai décidé de le garder comme instrumental. C'est la prémière fois que j'ai composé avec un accordage ouvert, celui de DADF#AD, suite à un masterclass songwriting avec Terry Lee Hale oganisé par l'association Challenge & Musik en 2008.