Sunday, December 20, 2009

Free Music - Sacred Warrior

Wow! Sacred Warrior, a Christian progressive/melodic metal band from a few years ago have reformed and are getting together a new album. Through Myspace, I recently discovered that they've made 4 of their previous albums freely avaiable for download on the music section of their site What a Christmas present! Their kind of similar to Queensryche, if that helps in any way, go check them out!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

FREE - Open Source music sequencer/workstation

FRINIKA is a free (licensed under GNU GPL) complete music workstation software containing sequencer, midi support, soft synthesizers, audio recorder, piano roll/tracker/notation editing and more. The goal of Frinika is to be a complete platform for making music with your computer, using the versatile Java platform to be able to run on several operating systems, and being open source to be able to embrace the best open source technology being available at any time.

More info at

FREE - Open Source guitar tab programme

Tux Guitar is an excellent open-source programme for writing and reading guitar tab. It also has the wonderful ability to open and read GuitarPro files :-)

For more information, visit

FREE - Open Source Word Processing and Desktop Publishing

There are two pretty good open-source programmes available on the net, which are worth keeping track of.

ABIWORD is a word processing programme, very similar to Microsoft WORD. Find out more at

SCRIBUS is a desktop publishing programme, not particularly easy to get to get to grips with, (unless I'm just a bit slow) but excellent results. Find out more at

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Happy Christmas!

Le samedi 19 décembre nous organisons un "Carol Service". C'est-à-dire, une réunion où le but est de fêter Noël à travers des chansons traditionnelles de Noël, des lectures de l'histoire du premier Noël, la naissance de Jésus, et des "Mince Pies"! Mais puisqu'on est en France, on va mélanger le français et l'anglais pour avoir un "Carol Service bi-lingue".

Ca commence à 20h à la Salle Gothique, (Couvent des Ursulines) et c'est ouvert et libre à tous.

Alors venez nombreux !

This Saturday we're organising a "Carol Service" at the Salle Gothique, (Couvent des Ursulines) to celebrate Christmas with traditional and contemporary carols, readings from the Christmas story, and Mince Pies! The songs and readings will probably be in French & English soo everyone can participate!

The evening starts at 8pm and all are welcome and invited.

See you then!

Saturday, December 05, 2009

La foi de Jean Calvin - Pierre Wheeler

Voici la vidéo d'une conférence que Pierre Wheeler a donné à Château-Gontier pendant son exposition sur Jean Calvin, que l'association protestante évangélique castrogontérienne a organisé pour commémorer la 500e anniversaire de la naissance de ce réformateur français.